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The website is a product of the BioSceneMada project leaded by a consortium of scientific institutes from Madagascar and France (Cirad, ETC Terra, ONE and WCS) and funded by FRB-FFEM. The objective of MadaClim is to be an equivalent to WorldClim but focused on Madagascar. MadaClim provides a set of climate layers (grids) obtained from WorldClim and the CGIAR CCAFS climate data portal.

Climate data are available for current conditions (interpolations of observed data, representative of 1950-2000), future conditions: downscaled global climate model (GCM) data from CMIP5 (IPPC Fifth Assessment) and past conditions (downscaled global climate model output).

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Layers have been reprojected (in WGS 84 / UTM zone 38 S, epsg: 32738) and data resampled at 1km on an extent covering Madagascar (W: 298000, S: 7155000, E:1101000, N: 8683000). Additional climate layers are provided such as potential evapotranspiration from the Thornthwaite equation, climatic water deficit and number of dry months. Some other environmental layers such as altitude, solar radiation, geology, soil and vegetation are also available.

Current monthly potential evapotranspiration (mm)

Figure 1: Current monthly potential evapotranspiration (mm).

Environmental variables for Madagascar.

Figure 2: Environmental variables for Madagascar.